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DNA–MyHeritage & 23andMe

  • 2 Oct 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Williamson Hall & Zoom


Registration is closed

DNA Workshop Series:
MyHeritage & 23andMe

Registration is open for the 2nd session of the series, MyHeritage & 23andMe.

The series continues with 3 more sessions until 20 Nov, either in-person at Williamson Hall or on Zoom. All sessions are FREE for everyone. Read about the series at the DNA Series webpage.

Gary Putnam, BGS Past President, is the Workshop Host. He has been researching families for 63+ years. 

The workshops are not lectures, but rather hands-on learning, and the focus is on utilizing DNA websites effectively to advance your genealogical research. Gary will share multiple examples from his DNA tests at each company in the series.

In-person participants should bring laptops and be able to log-in to the DNA sites where they have tested using the WiFi in the Williamson Hall.  If your laptop has not logged-in to BGS WiFi yet, please come a bit early to log-in, so the workshop can start on time.

During the workshop, be ready to ask specific questions or make comments related to your personal DNA research. Zoom participants can ask questions or make comments in Chat.

Whether you've taken a DNA test or may be considering which one is right for you, Gary encourages you to attend, since each company has unique features helpful for genealogical research. You may discover new ways to research by learning about a company, where you have NOT tested or transferred your DNA.

If you haven't taken a DNA test yet, you are welcome to attend and learn what the possibilities are. Registration required to receive the Zoom link. 

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