Learn Family Tree Maker (FTM): Genealogy Program
for Windows and Mac
ZOOM-only & FREE for everyone
Join the FTM Interest Group, facilitated by Sue Dolezal, to learn about using the features of FTM in the most effective ways, and discover the additions and improvements in version 2024, when it is released.
While the group will use the free, online FTM Companion Guide as a study guide for the sessions, your comments, questions, and tips will make the interest group a lively workshop experience for everyone.
Click here to view the FTM webpage in the Events section of the BGS website. The plan right now is for the group to meet every other month through May.
The Zoom meeting will be open at 5:45 PM for extra chatting time before the official start at 6 PM. Join early, if you are available.
Registration is required to receive the link to join the Zoom meeting.