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BLM & Land Claims

  • 11 Mar 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • Hybrid - Williamson Hall and Zoom



10 AM (Pacific Time), Tues, March 11th, 2025 - Hybrid Mtg

Learn how researching land records can provide valuable information on your ancestors, from where the land was located, how wealthy they might have been, confirm familial relationships, and identify neighbors for future spouses for children or FAN Club research. We will cover Federal land states vs State land states, township and range systems, and metes and bounds systems.

Researching land records can provide valuable information on your ancestors!

Dawn Carlile:  Dawn is a native Oregonian, having  grownup in  Eugene and Springfield, OR, and has been involved in genealogy for 30 years. She is a professional genealogist, educator, and lecturer who began teaching classes for the Oregon Genealogical Society in 2008 and then began lecturing at libraries, genealogical societies, and cultural events. She enjoys teaching others how to research as much as she does doing research for herself and others.  Dawn is the current president of the Oregon Genealogical Society.  After many years of helping others with their research, Dawn started Genealogy Roots and Branches in 2021.  

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