10 AM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 Hybrid- Zoom or in person at Williamson Hall. (you are encouraged to come in person).

Join our GERMAN Interest Group meeting: The Bend Genealogical Society’s German Interest Group is restarting. The focus of the group is researching German ancestors both in Europe and the United States. This group welcomes anyone with an interest in Germanic Ancestors. The group has a wide area of Germanic ancestors that include the current German borders, Swiss, Bohemian, Moravian, Austrian, Polish, Hungarian and Russian ancestors.
Three 2025 meetings for this group are: Feb 19th, Mar 19th, and Apr 8th. The group will be led by BGS member Jim Kleinschmidt.
The second meeting topic is "Tales of Germanic Ancestors": This meeting will be a more detailed focus on your Germanic Ancestor's lives in Europe and then North America. Group participants will be asked to share a 5 minute or so presentation of one of their Germanic ancestors. The presentation can focus on their lives in Europe, their immigration story and a brief history of the family in North America.

About Jim Kleinschmidt: Jim has been doing research on his German ancestors since the early 1990s following in his father’s footsteps. His ancestral roots include Bohemia, Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate and the Neumark of Brandenburg (now in Poland). He has visited ancestral villages in both Bohemia and Bavaria and met some of his European cousins during these visits.
If you are interested in helping or have suggestions for the Group, please go to Contact Us, enter a message in the form, and it will be forwarded to Jim.
Registration is required to receive the Zoom link.